IndieDev 2024: The Cross-Border Games Prototype Fund

IndieDev 2024 Applications Banner
IndieDev 2024 Applications Banner

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  • Cross-Border
  • funding
  • Games
  • IndieDev 2024

Are you a game developer looking for that first injection of funding to get your dream project off the ground? Would you benefit from making connections with local developers, meeting industry professionals, and being mentored by people with long track records in the industry? 

IndieDev 2024 is a pilot programme managed by Ardán and IMIRT on behalf of Northern Ireland Screen and Screen Ireland – aimed at supporting indie game developers based in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 

The scheme will connect with the Northern Ireland Screen Pixel Mill-based programme in Belfast and Ardán / IMIRT events and workshops in Galway and Dublin. Successful teams will be supported with funding of up to £15,000 / €15,000 based on programme, mentorship, and team requirements. 

Who Can Apply? 

As this is an all-island initiative, we are looking for passionate, hard-working indie developers that are habitually resident (Habitually resident can be defined as 1. have proven close ties with, 2. have been living in for some time, 3. intend to stay in for the foreseeable future.) on the island of Ireland. Expressions of interest are welcome from teams of up to five. Individuals may apply, but teams are encouraged. 

How To Apply? 

Please apply by filling out the APPLICATION FORM linked here. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you have previously completed an EXPRESSION OF INTEREST, this IS NOT AN APPLICATION. To be considered for IndieDev 2024, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FORM. 

Applicants will then be chosen through a competitive process – based on criteria relevant to knowledge, aptitude, and location – to progress to the interview stage with a panel including representatives from Ardán, IMIRT, Northern Ireland Screen and Screen Ireland. 

What Will the Process Be? 

Successful applicants will be inducted through a series of workshops and talks from industry professionals during two weeks of generating ideas and prototypes and then will enter 10-12 weeks of development culminating in a playable concept prototype. 

When Is the Deadline? 

All Application Forms must be submitted by 12 noon on the 31st May 2024. 

Please forward any questions you may about IndieDev 2024 to  and any press/ marketing questions to